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Ultrasonic Cleaning and Cavitation Effect

发布者:灵科超声波 发布时间:2018/10/7

We know that ultrasonic cleaning is a very convenient and fast tool. We usually have a lot of ultrasonic products in our lives. In fact, the ultrasonic waves propagating in the liquid can clean the dirt on the surface of the object, and the principle can be explained by the phenomenon of "cavitation".

Cavitation: When the ultrasonic wave propagates in the liquid to a pressure of one atmosphere, the power density is 0.35w/cm2. At this time, the peak value of the ultrasonic wave pressure can reach vacuum or negative pressure, but in fact no negative pressure exists. Therefore, a large force is generated in the liquid, which pulls the liquid molecules into the space cavity and cavitation. This space is very close to the vacuum, which ruptures when the ultrasonic pressure is reversed to the maximum, and the strong impact due to the rupture strikes the dirt on the surface of the object. This phenomenon of impact caused by the breakdown of numerous small cavitation bubbles is known as the "cavitation" phenomenon.

Now you know the principle of the ultrasonic cleaning machine. This can be said to be very esoteric physics, but it is so simple, right? Since I know, is there a greater interest in ultrasonic cleaners? If you are interested, you can purchase one immediately, so you can easily wash the objects you want to clean. If you want an ultrasonic cleaning machine, look for the Lingke, Lingke after-sales service 7 quality, quality is guaranteed!
There is more knowledge about ultrasonic welding waiting for you. If you have any questions, please visit our Lingke Ultrasound, we will update the knowledge of plastic welding regularly, and there will be more ultrasonic welding machines in the future. Dry goods!

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